Vector Craftsman

Vector Craftsman

< Blog | ES | EN A craftsman of… vectors? Yes, vector craftsman is how I usually describe my profession on social media. While this doesn’t represent the full range of services I offer my clients, it’s a core element in all of them. What does it mean to be a...
Technical Illustration, the Ugly Duckling of Art

Technical Illustration, the Ugly Duckling of Art

< Blog | ES | EN The valley of solitude of technical illustration I recently shared a post on a Facebook group of illustrators and designers with more than 100,000 members asking if anyone there worked or was interested in technical illustration. The responses were...
Truper Manuals (I)

Truper Manuals (I)

< Blog | ES | EN More than a decade developing instructions for Truper I recently reached my 11th year as a supplier for Truper, developing instruction manuals for its electric, hydraulic, pneumatic, gasoline and wireless machines and tools. More than a decade of...
Thickness Matters

Thickness Matters

< Blog | ES | EN That’s right. Line thickness matters! One of the most important elements of a technical illustration is, without a doubt, line quality (also known as stroke weight). This detail, however, is often overlooked, and being the detail-obsessed technical...
Vectors VS Pixels

Vectors VS Pixels

< Blog | ES | EN Vectors VS Pixels! The ultimate encounter to determine the undisputed champion! Notice: I have been working with pixels for two decades, so the outcome of this match may be biased. Before jumping into the matter, I must say that in order to bring...